LOWDHAM is one of just 50 locations across the country where a special Easter Egg hunt will take place starting this week. Thorntons is launching this novel nationwide egg hunt, making use of the untapped method of ‘geocaching’. This is…
GEDLING Borough Council has issued a statement this afternoon denying any conspiracy over comments left on dumbles.co.uk. As we reported yesterday, this website received a series of comments on a story about a proposed crematorium and cemetery at Catfoot Lane Lambley.…
THE NEW landlord and landlady of the Robin Hood in Lambley have scotched rumours that the establishment is to become a bistro, telling dumbles.co.uk that it will remain a village pub. Vicky Pemberton, who with husband Geoff is taking over…
CAMPAIGNERS against plans to develop two crematoria on Catfoot Lane in Lambley will deliver pro-forma letters to every address in the village, in order to have as many letters of objection as possible sent to the planning committee. A meeting of…
A GROUP of travellers who have set up camp at Lambley Lane Recreation Ground this week have been served with a court order to leave. An ‘Order for Possession’ from Nottingham County Court dated today, 29 June 2012, has been attached to…
SATURDAY 23 June saw our area’s first ferret racing event, held at Cottage Farm in Lambley. About 100 people turned up for the event, a fundraiser for Lambley Primary School PTA, to watch a dozen races, place wagers, and enjoy…
OPPONENTS of the proposal to build a crematorium and cemetery at Catfoot Lane, Lambley, have mobilised resources in a bid to prevent the scheme winning planning permission. The Catfoot Crematorium Opposition Group has launched its own website at http://www.lambleyprotest.co.uk/ and an…
CHILDREN from Woods Foundation School in Woodborough can be seen on a short video posted on Facebook, taking part in a national competition to find the best carrot whistlers in the country. Organised by the British Carrot Growers’ Association, the competition…