FOUND: ONE POLAR bear, answers to the name of Steve. Those arriving at Lambley Primary School this morning, Monday 9 May 2011, were surprised to see a large toy polar bear lashed to the school sign. Standing about 1.5m (4ft) high and tied with string, the bear holds a sign saying “Hello!! my name is Steve”.
Staff and parents delivering their children all profess no knowledge of the bear. School site manager Mick Conroy reports that the bear appeared overnight, while head teacher Chris Drewry commented that she was as baffled as everybody else: “It’s clearly some prank but we thought we’d leave the bear in place as a bit of a laugh for everybody”.
Close inspection of the toy reveals only one clue to his origin – a scorch mark on the lower back about 10cm across, possibly indicating a previous mounting on a hot pipe such as a truck exhaust. While there is much speculation and amusement in the village about this new arrival, so far nobody seems to know anything definite.
UPDATE 4pm: Steve the polar bear has been taken into the school for safekeeping; his origins remain a mystery.
Can you help? We’re keen to find out just how Steve came to be placed here – so please contact us using the ‘leave a reply’ box below or by email to – in complete confidence if necessary. Also, if you have lost a polar bear, please get in touch so that we may reunite you.