A COMBINATION of fine dining, good company, a stimulating game of cards, and even a bit of exercise in between. That seems to be the recipe behind Café Bridge, which came to Nottingham for the first time in 2013.
Café Bridge is described as a version of Duplicate Bridge played simultaneously and moving between five different Nottingham city centre venues.
Woodborough Bridge Club has raised almost £900 for Beaumond House Hospice in Newark in the last two years, and wants to beat that in 2015.
The event will take place on Tuesday 14 April 2015, but book early as numbers are limited and pre-entry by 31 March is essential. Further details and an entry form can be found here: http://www.woodboroughbridgeclub.org.uk/Nottingham_Cafe_Bridge.htm
In brief, entry fee of £30.00 per player includes a welcome drink, lunch, and glass of wine/soft drink at the end, and master points. Lunch is served at whichever venue you end up in at lunchtime. Provisionally, these are Jamie’s Italian, Couture, Dino’s, All Bar One, and La Tasca.
Further details can be supplied on request and full instructions and maps for the day given at the registration (with complimentary refreshments) at Couture, Nottingham Contemporary, (with free entry to the exhibition) NG1 2GB between 9.45 and 10.30am. Raffle, results and prize giving will be at around 4.30 pm
Contact nottinghamcafebridge@live.co.uk or by phone to Phil on 0777 376 6996 or 0115 965 3787 or Toni on 01636 830 215 or 0779 876 5772.