A NEW VEHICLE-activated sign has been installed on the upper part of Green Lane, Lambley, in the last couple of days. The Westcotec device is of a simpler design than the signs installed at the other two entrances to the village, on Spring Lane and Park Lane, and merely lights up when a speeding vehicle approaches.
Set about a hundred metres down from the village entrance road signs, the new device is less conspicuous both when idling and when activated than the other signs. The Park Lane and Spring Lane signs display the actual speed of the vehicle, while the Green Lane sign ony reminds drivers of the 30mph limit and advises them to SLOW DOWN.
The issue of speeding in the village was one of the most highlighted by residents in the recent parish plan group questionnaire.
Think these are a great idea! Much better than cameras!
Should get one in Woodborough too 🙂