The long-running issue of proposed crematorium development at Catfoot Lane, Lambley, has entered a new phase. A judicial review into the decision of Gedling Borough Council to grant planning permission for development in the protected Green Belt was heard in Birmingham this week (2-3 February 2016), and will announce its findings in the next couple of weeks.
Proforma objection Feb 2016 In the meantime, however, crematorium developer Westerleigh has submitted a new planning application. Anybody wishing to object to this plan, which is essentially the same as the current plan, must make their feelings known to Gedling’s planning department by 10 February 2016 – which date is before the decision of the judicial review is expected.
The letter below is being circulated to households in Woodborough, Lambley and on Mapperley Plains and Spring Lane:
Objection letters will be accepted by the planning officer no later than Wednesday 10th February 2016.
Please quote planning reference number 2015/1318
Dear resident,
You may be aware that the company who wish to build the crematorium on Catfoot Lane (Westerleigh), have re-submitted their original planning application.
This is being treated by Gedling Borough Council as a NEW application.
This is because the current permission which was granted in June last year is the subject of a Judicial Review and the outcome is not yet known.
This is Westerleigh’s attempt to ensure they gain permission by having a new application in the background in case the court decides against them.
Those of you who have been past the site will know that Westerleigh have commenced ground works despite the Judicial Review and without discharging the conditions on the planning consent.
We are attaching a proforma objection letter, containing updated objections, which just requires your name, signature (bottom of the letter), and your address (to be written in the top right hand box).
The contents of the letter will be discussed by the planning committee.
They are only interested in relevant points. Even though we realise to some of you views, effects on house prices and lovely countryside etc, are extremely important, the planning committee will only take account of those points which are relevant to planning policy (those contained within the pro-forma).
If you share the concerns of other residents and care about Lambley, the nearby villages and the Dumbles, it is IMPERATIVE that letters of objection/email objections are sent to: Mr Nick Morley, Case Officer (Westerleigh’s Application No. 2015/1318) Planning Department, Gedling Borough Council, Civic Centre, Arnold Hill Park, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU.
If you wish to send an email you will find a link to the proforma or can copy and paste the content from ‘’ or on the Dumbles website ‘’.
Collection Points
To save on time and postage (given that signed objection letters must be received by the planning officer by Wednesday 10th February 2016), two local collection points have been volunteered by residents.
If you wish to drop your signed letters into their address, they will deliver all of the completed objection letters on 10th February to the Planning Officer by Hand. This will of course save on postage and time.
Mrs Marion Cartwright, 15 Church Street, Lambley NG4 4QB
Mrs Cindy Bamford, 25 Holme Close, Woodborough NG14 6EX
The main place to send objections is to the Planning Officer, but you may also wish to send a letter to our local MP, or to councillors on the planning committee.
Contact details are as follows:
Mark Spencer (Conservative MP), Sherwood Constituency Office, Room 3, Under One Roof, 3A Vine Terrace, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7HN
It is also very important that letters are sent to councillors on the planning committee, particularly : Mr J Truscott (Labour) (Chair), 22 Kent Road, Mapperley, Nottinghamshire NG3 6BE Phone: 0115 960 5276 Mobile: 0785 119 7052 email:
Barbara Miller (Labour) (Vice Chair), 120 Chandos Street Netherfield, Nottinghamshire NG4 2LW Phone: 0115 911 3791Mobile: 0781 869 6144 email:
Other planning committee member’s details can be found on the Gedling Borough website under planning committee.
All letters are extremely important and will count towards our objection.
Thank you for your continued support
CCOGCatfoot Crematorium Opposition Group
It is vital that if you object to this development, you complete and return the attached pro-forma letter (or one of your own making relevant points) by 10th February 2016.
Previous objection letters will not count as this is being treated as a NEW application.