The ongoing saga of proposed crematorium development on Catfoot Lane, Lambley, has taken yet another twist with the submission by Westerleigh of a new application for planning permission.

Protest banners at the last planning meeting
The new application was lodged with Gedling Borough Council on 11 November 2015, with further documents being lodged on 23 December 2015.
The move comes just weeks ahead of the judicial review into the scheme, which could throw the existing application out.
In correspondence accompanying the application, Westerleigh’s planning consultant Matt Hubbard writes: “this application has been revised through the submission of an updated ‘Need Report’ (with its associated Appendices), an updated Transport Statement and an updated Design and Access Statement”.
The development opposition group is launching a new campaign to encourage residents to register their dissatisfaction with the new application, warning that previous letters of objection will not be recognised by Gedling Borough Council.
In correspondence with, the opposition group stresses: “We need as many letters/emails of objection to be sent in as possible, please, as ALL LETTERS/EMAILS that have previously been sent in to GBC will not count this time (This is probably GBC’s Planning Department’s way of finding out the strength of our continuing objection, so this is absolutely crucial to our continued campaign).”
“Please ask everyone to mention as many objection points as possible eg:
- the Green Belt – Dumbles (historic landmark) and walking/ footpath, and wildlife issues
- The lack of proof of an overriding NEED – which is needed for development in the Green Belt
- Road safety issues – to do with Catfoot Lane – dangerous S-bends, and the dangerous junction with the B687 on Mapperly Top and increased traffic, etc.
- The locality of Lambley Primary School with regards to funeral traffic/corteges, at the bottom of Catfoot Lane/Spring Lane junction and the safety of the children leaving school at 3.15 –3.30pm which will be within the allotted time range for cremations to take place”
Letters of explanation and proforma letters of objection will be distributed for villagers to send in, in the next few days.
Letters should be sent to Mr Nick Morley, Chief Planning Officer, Planning Dept, Arnot Hill Park, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU or emailed to CORRECTION: or sent online via the Comments section on the Planning webpage (our thanks to a reader for pointing out our error – see below).
The judicial review is scheduled for 2-3 February 2016 in Birmingham.
Have sent email to as suggested in your Westerleigh piece, to object to this new Planning Application.
Autoreply received from Gedling to say that comments/objections sent to that address will be ignored. They have to be sent online via the Comments section on the Planning webpage, or posted to GBC office.
Phil Greaves
A friend,who delivers concrete for a living as started delivering there,so must be going ahead !
This project is not presently ‘going ahead’. Although Westerleigh have commenced work on an entrance, they cannot complete any other works.