LOWDHAM Pre-school has embarked on the creation of a wild flower and sensory garden that will enhance the fantastic outdoor space at Lowdham village hall. The plans include living willow domes and tunnels to climb in, a sensory trail to walk along, seating areas for story time, and a bug hotel for the local minibeast population, all surrounded by a wildflower meadow.
Lots of fund raising activities have started, and any individuals, businesses or organisations who can help with equipment, resources or labour (!) would be very warmly welcomed, says the organisers. This project will enhance the area around Lowdham village hall as well providing a fantastic playing and learning environment for the children.
Lowdham and Epperstone Pre-school is a charity providing outstanding pre-school education in Lowdham Village Hall. Places are available from September 2012. For further information please contact the Pre-School supervisors Louise and Julie on 07960 859178.

Garden project at Lowdham Pre-school got underway before the recent warm weather!