WOODBOROUGH’s long-distance walker Marion Smith has completed her epic journey from Land’s End to John O’Groats, raising thousands of pounds on the way and winning praise from a national newspaper.

Prompted by coverage on dumbles.co.uk, the Daily Express ran a profile of Marion Smith as she completed her epic trek
Smith set out from Land’s End in March with two ambitions: to complete the trek to John O’Groats, and to raise money for her chosen charities the Notts and Lincs Air Ambulance and Cancer Research.
Hundreds of donations have seen a total of over £5000 raised – £2000+ for the air ambulance and £3000+ for Cancer Research.
Smith completed her voyage in late May, having overcome multiple setbacks on the way, all documented on her blog http://www.marionsmith.biz/
The story of her indomitable spirit published on dumbles.co.uk in April was noticed by Fleet Street journalist Nick Craven, with the result that the Daily Express ran a story about her on the day she completed the walk.
The paper also mentioned her in its leader column that day, as an example of the ‘never-say-die’ British spirit. The full story on the Express can be seen here.