FOLLOWING our reports on about the proposed crematorium on Catfoot Lane, Lambley, we have been contacted by a planning consultant for Westerleigh.
Matt Hubbard, principal planner at Basford-based town planning and development consultant Antony Aspbury Associates, tells us that one element of our report “could be quite misleading and worrying to your general readers”.
Our article on 27 April 2012 reported that:
Gedling Borough Council already lists a planning application, which was filed a week ago on 20 April 2012, for “Proposed Crematorium and Cemetery for Gedling, Catfoot Lane, Lambley EIA Screening Land North Of The Lighthouse Catfoot Lane Lambley Nottinghamshire“
Mr Hubbard writes to tell us that:
“This is NOT a planning application. We have had to write to the Council (the submission was nothing more than a letter and a site plan) in order that the Council can make a decision as to whether to ‘screen’ the development for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The Council has 21 days to do this. The development DOES NOT constitute EIA development, but it is up to the Council to assess this and advise accordingly before we can take any further action.”
He goes on to say that “from the many questionnaires that we have had returned, there appears to be a reasonable level of support for the proposals. Many people have commented that, despite attending the meeting with a negative viewpoint, many of their questions were answered and left the meeting in better knowledge of the proposal and the processes that have to take place in the build up to the submission of a planning application”.
I live on Mapperley Plains not far from Catfoot Lane and although I was unable to attend the meeting, my concern is that if a Crematorium is built on Catfoot Lane it will increase the traffic on Mapperley Plains and the B684 in general. This road is already very busy and the amount of traffic is ever increasing with the new housing on the Plains and Spring lane. Cortages travelling along the B684 could hold up traffic and cause even more queuing at Coppice Road and Spring lane.
I would like to draw attention to Mr Hubbard’s misleading sentence above and returned questionnaires, which in the opinion of many was designed to convince the unsuspecting, inquisitive enquirer to commit to answering questions that are biased to the building of such an enterprise: Their quote: “from the many questionnaires that we have had returned, there appears to be a reasonable level of support for the proposals. Many people have commented that, despite attending the meeting with a negative viewpoint, many of their questions were answered etc……”
We conducted an exit poll which shows completely the opposite: 93% Against 7% For.
I don’t have an opinion either way re the crematorium, but would love to see more woodland burials in the area. It would be great to see a link between the crematorium (if it gets built) and local woodland, or pasture which could be converted to woodland.
Can I just point out that Lambley Parish Council have asked Westerleigh to attend a meeting with the Parish Council and Lambley residents now that the planning application is in and they have apparently not responded to the request – this really speaks for itself – I am against this planning due to the amount of traffic this will generate through the village despite Westerleigh trying to convince us that all traffic will be via Mapperley Plains – as the above states – Mapperley Plains is a busy road that is then going to suffer with slow-moving traffic. We have to ask ourselves and find out why planning has been refused before in the area new Arnold Town FC – could it have been access/traffic or the fact that it was Greenbelt – this all sounds too familiar …
I grew up in Lambley and still visit family regularly in the village. I am also a Christian Minister. While I think this area would make a peaceful setting i have concerns that 1. It is greenbelt land 2. that the junction with Mapperley Plains is a dangerous one that has seen numerous accidents over the years 3. Catfoot Lane is not the esiest to negotiate in winter weather – it doesnt have curbs and is not the widest of roads, and it also is adversly affected by snow 4. I also wonder at the need for another Crematorium – we already have three within reach of this area, at Bramcote, Wilford Hill and Mansfield; all of which in my personal experience provide an excellent service already. Is a 4th crematorium really necessary?
There are actually already FOUR crematoriums serving Nottingham/shire. Bramcote, Wilford Hill, Mansfield and Sherwood Forest. All are operating at well below 50% capacity. So it would be the FIFTH crematorium if it succeeds.