Category: Lowdham

Youngsters can Sing and Play in Lowdham

A BABY and toddler group in Lowdham meets every Wednesday morning in term time at the Methodist Chapel on Main Street. Called ‘Sing and Play’ the group is for children aged 0-5 years along with their parents and careers. Meetings…

Book festival drops Saturday focus

A NOTABLE change to the Lowdham Book Festival from previous years is the absence of the stalls and marquees in and around the village hall on the closing day of the event (Saturday 30 June 2012). In a brief note…

Lowdham Pre-School raises funds

FUNDRAISING has been going on apace at Lowdham Pre-School this spring, the organisers report, including the 21st staging of the ever-popular quiz ‘Brains of Lowdham’, to an Easter crafternoon. The money raised from Brains of Lowdham was instrumental in the development of the…

First Friday events for May and June

LOWDHAM Book Festival may be focused on its main week of events in late June, but also has a range of other activities during the year. May sees the return of Lowdham First Fridays which, as the name suggests, is…

First details of 2012 Lowdham Book Festival

THE ORGANISERS of Lowdham’s annual book festival have released the first details of this year’s event, the 13th since it was founded in 2000. To be held over a week from Sunday 24 June to Saturday 30 June 2012, it…

School reports: a mixed bag

LOCAL primary schools have had a mixed report in the latest government league tables, published today. While Woodborough Woods school has among the highest scores in the county, and Lowdham Primary has also achieved some respectable results, Lambley Primary is…

Lowdham housing plans spark debate

PROPOSALS to allocate new areas of Lowdham for housing have attracted protests from residents. A one-day exhibition at the Lowdham WI Hall yesterday, 27 October 2011, presented Newark and Sherwood District Council’s ‘core strategy’ for development of housing and employment…

Apple Day promises a taste of autumn

LOWDHAM Horticultural Society is making final preparations for this year’s Apple Day, to be held in the village hall on 16 October 2011, from 11.00am to 4.00pm.  The society says this is one of the most authentic and renowned apple celebrations in…

Medical centre has new locums

LOWDHAM Medical Centre has announced the appointment of two new locum doctors, Dr Mannion and Dr Kupfe, who will cover Dr Hatton’s clinics for the next few months. Dr Hatton is on maternity leave, having a new daughter born on…

Play groups are now parent-led

LOWDHAM and Epperstone playgroups have formed a new parent-led organisation, Lowdham and Epperstone Happy Tots, which organises meetings once a week in each village.  Sessions are held during term time every Monday at Epperstone Village Hall, and every Friday at the Women’s Institute…